Our team is currently building training materials and courses that will help introduce you to key MOVERS processes and topics. If you have questions about training, send an email to MOVERSTraining@oa.mo.gov.

Phase 1 EPM (Budget) Training

The training team will publish topics and curriculum soon, but you can check out the Phase 1 EPM (Budget) Learning Journey now.

Phase 1 EPM (Budget) Learning Journey

Visit this Training Section of the website to keep an eye out for specific topics, curriculum and more information on training for all of the MOVERS phases.

Available Oracle Training Resources

Oracle Learning Explorer
The Oracle Learning Explorer program offers entry-level training courses and accreditation for Oracle’s enture product portfolio. It was designed to empower professionals across the globe to begin cultivating valuable IT skills.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Introduction
Start your cloud journey and develop a strong foundation in cloud computing, and the core concepts and features of OCI.

Oracle Live Class Schedule
Want more practice with Oracle? Oracle University instructors teach students in a virtual classroom; you attend these courses online. Includes demonstrations and hands-on labs.

Hear from an Oracle Expert
In this 4-part learning path, Oracle Experts talk about getting ready for a Digital Transformation in Oracle Cloud.

Oracle Cloud Overview
This learning path is applicable for anyone transitioning to Oracle Cloud. Get introduced to Cloud computing, service models and various deployment models. This Learning Path covers: Introduction to Oracle Cloud, Oracle Cloud Solutions, Fundamentals of OCI, Fundamentals of SaaS, Fundamentals of PaaS.